Monday, December 12, 2016

The Beginner’s Guide: How to fly board Like an Expert

If you want to experience the feeling of flying out of the water like ironman then give flyboarding a definite try. Flyboarding is one of the most popular and liked water sport. There are many websites that help you prepare your flight before the actual one.

The sport practically includes propelling above the lagoon with a help of pressurized water. It’s easier to learn for the people who have already experienced parasailing, snorkeling, and scuba diving. The tour is bound to hyperactivate your body with a rush of adrenaline.

Here are a few tips to follow if you want to fly board like an expert on your first experience.

Stay Sober

No matter how fun it is to ‘loosen up’ and get heavily drunk on a holiday. It may not seem like a beer to affect conscious stability but it definitely will have its effects on your body if you decide to go flyboarding just moments after having it. Wait till you have had your turn on a fly board and then discuss the experience with your buddies with a cold brew.

Avoid the High Tide

If there is a high tide of strong wind taking over the water surface, realize that it is not the time for flyboarding. It is highly dangerous and not at all worth taking the risk.

Always Wear the Safety Gear Properly

The body suit and helmet should be the usual tools of the gear that you should stack up in your suitcase if you plan to go water sporting on your vacation.

Buy the Best Fly Boards

Many sports shops sell gadgets at lesser/reasonable prices. Since flyboarding can be an expensive activity, make good use of the fly boards on sale. The stores tend to sell the best quality fly boards on sale compared to the original, extraordinarily expensive ones. Make your activity enjoyable by spending less and having fun more.

Flyboarding Is an Absolute No-no If you’re Pregnant

You don’t want the thrill to harm you or the baby. Just wait until it is time to bring the little one into this world but before that happens, learn to stay safe.

Maintain Distance

Always maintain distance between your wave runner and yourself so that there are fewer chances for bodily injury.

Balance is Crucial

When it comes to flyboarding, your activity guide will tell you what posture is safe while you fly board. Always remember to bend your knees forward and stand straight in order to stay in balance.

Patience is important when you’re learning how to fly board like an expert. Get accustomed to the basic moves before moving on the next level. Most important thing is never to give up. Expert or not, flyboarding is all about having fun while you do it!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Complete Know-How: 7 Tips on How to Get The Perfect Jet-ski

The idea of riding a jet ski on cold waters in the summer is too tempting a thought. As unusual as it may sound, buying a jet ski is far times better than renting one. Renting costs you lots of money along with a rule book on where, how far and fast you can ride. However, going Jet Ski shopping comes with its challenges. People tend to keep a close look out on objects they are buying to make sure it is worth the expenditure. Similar is the case with buying a perfect jet ski. Whether it is a branded jet ski on sale or a new Wave Runner model, you need to keep in mind a few pointers in order to make your purchase worth every penny. Here is a list of the 7 tips on getting the perfect jet-ski:

1.Scavenge For A Title

If the seller doesn’t have a title for the machine they’re selling, do not make a purchase. Like any other road vehicle, water-motors need to be registered under the consumer’s name before taking it out on a waterway. You must have a title, therefore, in order to use it legally.

2.Corrosion Is Bad
While looking for the perfect motor, the bolts and fittings should be under serious examination. They tend to corrode by being used in salt water and hosed off after usage. Corrosion leads to major engine damage and can result in you spending a hefty amount for a useless, wrecked vehicle.

3.Look Out for Water Leaks
While examining the water vehicle for damages and loose fittings, make sure to check for water leaks inside the hull of the Jet Ski. This indicates cracked hoses and irregular maintenance.

4.Loose Wires
Like any other machine, tangled and loose wires can cause a hindrance at untimely circumstances. The terminals should be securely tied together with no wires hanging out.

5.A Bottom Glance
It doesn’t matter if it’s a branded jet ski on sale, walk around the vehicle to look at the gel coat and fiberglass. If any of the chunks are missing, walk away and save your hard-earned money from being wasted.

6.Jetski Must Work
Never listen to the old sob seller story: the Jet Ski runs great but needs a battery. Simply walk away. On other occasions, you can always offer to take the vehicle on a test run for a minute or at least make sure it starts.

7.Keep It Legal
Last but not the least, keep your watercraft within the legal limits. Make sure you know where you plan to ride and how far you’re going to go. Many water bodies now have restricted motor activity on specific waterways.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

5 Amazing Benefits of Swimming You Need to Know Now

Swimming is popularly considered as one of the best exercise among all others. You can reap all the benefits as you get from an aerobic workout without damaging any of your joints and can be practiced regardless of age. So let’s explore some major benefits of swimming which we all can avail to live a healthy life.

1.Better muscle definition and strength gain

Regular swimming makes you acquire muscle strength throughout your body. As compared to runners where they build muscles solely for their legs, swimmers are able to use more muscle groups from different parts of the body to move through the water. Just by observing a single motion the idea is clear: the legs kick and arms pull at the same time, while the back spins and the stomach stiffens to stabilize the core. The powering of legs makes swimming as one of the most promising gains for a total body workout. For instance, you might want to have a look at the physique of Michael Phelps!

2.Building of bone mass
For years, researchers never believed the fact that swimming can actually enhance bone mass. As it is stated, only exercises associated with weights are entitled to do this. But a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology thinks otherwise! As medical science do not allow for thorough bone-examination of humans due to ethical reasons, the study used rats and categorized them in three groups: swimming, running, and a control group having no physical exertion on their bodies. While the running category displayed the highest increase in Bone Mineral Density (BMD), the swimming one also showed dramatic benefits in both femoral bone weight and BMD over the control group. Although further evidence is still required to cement this theory, but it’s enough to point that the old idea of swimming not possessing any bone mass development benefits needs to be revised.

3.You stay flexible
It is obvious you cannot tear your way through the water without stretching, twisting, and reaching. The ankles act as fins where they are stretched with each push through water. This does not mean you should leave the stretching to come naturally, but should also do it repeatedly in different strokes to attain more flexibility.

4.Reduction in inflammation
While several cardiovascular benefits happily attach with swimming, this sport is also known to reduce inflammation leading to atherosclerosis generation in the heart. Reduction of such inflammation also reduces the progression rate of diseases in different parts as well. So it won’t come as a surprise if we get to hear new related benefits from the future studies.

5.A lengthened life
Although several potential exercises are known to increase the lifespan of any human being, recent studies have proven that swimming remains among the top contenders to truly claim this benefit. Researchers at the University of South Carolina studied 40,547 men, aged between 20 and 90 for around 32 years. Results were astonishing that stated people who had been swimming regularly as part of their daily life had a 50% lower death rate as compared to that of people who ran, walked, or didn’t do any kind of exercise at all.

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